Disk defragmenter

Disk defragmenter is a utility program .It can find computer data which are recorded in the hard disk and arrange the file systematically. It increases the efficiency of computer. It is a program which recognized the data and unused space on the disk so file can be accessed fast, computers program is run in smooth manner. Computer record the data first on those available spaces on disk and during process defragmenters is run slowly and after completion it provides higher performance on the computer. Disk fragmented is used in window 98 so it called defragmenter.
It increases system’s performance by organizing data block on our drive in creative process. User select drive tat you want would like to analyze for optimization and click next to continue. Red colors is the fragmented area, blue colors part is not fragmented and white colors part is a free space of drive. Dark blue are the area which data are locked and like yellow colors shows the files in process. After complete analysis it shows message to defragmenters the drive or not to defragmenter after the click finish.

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